20/01/2019 Over the past year the Combined Authority has been preparing the Strategic Outline Business Case for the “CAM Metro”. The work is being carried out by consultants Steer (formerly ‘Steer Davies Gleave’), with due diligence being provided by Arup. The report is intended to appear in the first quarter of 2019. A broad conceptual […]
Combined Authority committed to feasibility studies
28/05/2017 The new Mayor of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, James Palmer, has announced in his 100-day plan he is committed to initiating feasibility studies on light rail and tunnelling for Cambridge and the surrounding region. This development is very welcome, as Cambridge Connect has called for these feasibility studies since first publishing our […]
Combined Authority Election 04 May 2017 – candidate policies on transport, light rail / tunnels
29/04/2017 The Government has agreed a “Devolution Deal” for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, with a new Mayor to be directly elected on 04 May 2017. The deal will transfer resources, powers and accountability from central Government to a Combined Authority for the region. The new Mayor will have responsibility for key aspects of transport, and specifically […]
Heidi Allen, MP, calls for pause on City Deal to consider light rail and develop long-term strategy
(20/11/2016) South Cambridgeshire MP Heidi Allen recently called for a pause to the City Deal to undertake more strategic and long-term planning, which may involve greater investment: from her website [emphasis added] – “We are a powerful team in Cambridgeshire and I believe some of the suggested alternatives are well worth exploring further; light rail […]
Leader of Greater Cambridge City Deal says light rail should be considered
(20/11/2016) Lewis Herbert, Leader of the Greater Cambridge City Deal, recently publicly stated that light rail should be taken into consideration for Tranche 2 of the City Deal. This followed a meeting that Cambridge Connect and Railfuture had with him about our light rail proposals several weeks ago, and our presentation at the “Rebooting the […]
National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) Report on Cambridge to Oxford corridor positive on light rail
(20/11/2016) The National Infrastructure Commission’s (NIC) report on the Cambridge to Oxford ‘corridor’, under the section on Local Transport and “Enhancing City Connectivity” (Sections 4.38 – 4.40) states [emphasis added]: “4.39 The development of a robust city centre transport strategy will require strong local leadership and the support of local businesses and potential investors. The […]