‘Reality Checkpoint’ moved!
There is a need to ensure that the components of the University of Cambridge are all well inter-connected. Historically, the University was compact and established within the City core, within the circle extending to what became known as ‘Reality Checkpoint’ on Parker’s Piece. Interconnections were easy, and were further fostered by the College system. However, in recent years there has been increasing fragmentation of the University as developments have been focused – for sound practical reasons – at more widely distributed sites. Presently, these are poorly connected. For example, the West Campus is currently relatively isolated, yet is becoming an increasingly important focus of the University.

Modern cross-disciplinary research thrives on interaction, sharing of knowledge and ideas, and on the multitude of interconnections. This sometimes yields important, novel and unexpected advances. It is essential, therefore, that spatial barriers to interaction are minimised, and that staff and students in the University are enabled to move rapidly between the widely distributed components of the modern University of Cambridge campus. This now includes the historic City centre, Addenbrookes BioMedical Campus and the West Campus. There is a need for a rapid, efficient and sustainable transport system to link these components together to achieve a well-integrated and thriving academic environment for the future. Cambridge Connect believes this is vital to the future of the University and the Colleges.
The Cambridge Connect ‘Isaac Newton Line‘ would provide a very effective means of connecting staff and students at all three main components of the university together. This would include links from the West Campus to University departments, Colleges and administration, to the Cambridge Central Rail Station for links to London, to Addenbrookes BioMedical campus and also to the Science Park, Babraham Research Campus and Granta Park, which would also help to improve business links to the University. In addition, Anglia Ruskin University would be well connected at Parker’s Piece.